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JCR Welcome


JCR du Toit Vervoer

Jan du Toit founder and owner of JCR du Toit Transport had a vision of a transportation company that solely focused on the transportation of bulk wine, related products and the satisfaction of their customers. They dreamed of building a company that had the size and strength to be their clients’ total transportation solution.

With one truck, a lot of passion, determination and hard work JCR du Toit Transport grew by leaps and bounds. Today our fleet consists of a range of tankers with different tank capacities to suit every transportation need. This allows us to offer you an affordable service no matter how big or small the load quantity may be.

JCR Welcome


Jongwynskou 2023

Each year winemakers enter the cream of their harvest into the Jongwynskou. There are numerous categories in which wine makers can compete.

This year JCR du Toit Vervoer sponsored the trophy for the winner of the Chenin Blanc 2023 category.

The winner of the category for 2023 is Badsberg Kelder.

Jongwynskou 2023

Jongwynskou 2023

Each year winemakers enter the cream of their harvest into the Jongwynskou. There are numerous categories in which wine makers can compete. This year JCR du Toit Vervoer sponsored the trophy for the winner of the Chenin Blanc 2023 category. The winner of the category...